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English translation for "定位方式"

locate mode
locating system
location mode
locator meams

Related Translations:
定位:  1.(确定的位置) fixed position; location; orientation; allocation; localization; locating; (position) fix; positioning; position-setting; [印刷] registration; register2.(用仪器测定位置) orientate; positi
Example Sentences:
1.Explains the options that specify how documents are displayed and positioned
2.Unique c arm upper - and - lower localization system realize the different localization way
3.Xhtmldesigner use gdi to draw html form element , and use absolute coordinate , it is some like xdbdesigner , it s is characteristic include
Vs . net的web窗体设计器可能是基于ie ,而本设计器是基于winform和gdi的,全部采用绝对坐标定位方式
4.The aim of this thesis is to deal with gps position technology , realize automatic moving target tracking , which belongs to a part of portable telemetry tracking systems
5.The former is used to describe all the types of process mode that can be implemented currently and the latter , is of the ways of position . ( 2 ) to expand basic process flow
( 1 )工艺库的设计。工艺库包括加工模块和定位模块两部分,分别描述当前可以实现的各种加工技术和定位方式。 ( 2 )基本流程扩展。
6.Firstly , the paper gives a review of the current navigation and positioning methods of mobile robot , presents the structure of mobile robot and inverse differential gps system
7.First , proper way of gps positioning are selected according to the high dynamic flight characters of re - entry spacecrafts , such as high distance from the earth , high velocity and far awy from the launching point
8.At last , this paper studied the optimization of extraction rules and compared several information location methods . the aim is to generate simple , robust and general extraction rules
9.According to the structure units " qualities that are given in the input data , and according to the process library , we can obtain the process type and position way that is fit for each structure unit
10.With the development of pneumatic servo technology , the positioning mode of pneumatic robot has developed from the two - points simple mode to the multi - points now , and it will become the intelligent robot with sense system
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