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English translation for "大量观测"

mass observation

Related Translations:
大量处理:  bulk processing
大量库存:  huge stocklarge stockmassive stock clear outoffer is subject to availability
大量出售:  wholesale
大量需求:  heavy demandkeen demand
大量财富:  large fortune
大量摄取:  huge uptake
大量支撑:  heavy bracing
大量杀戮:  slaughter
大量 订货:  considerable orders
大量生:  mass production
Example Sentences:
1.Generations of astronomers have painstakingly gathered an enormous store of facts touching on the most diverse properties of stars .
2.There remains a world of observations to be processed
3.There is discovered anomaly survey data when we analyze a great deal of survey data
4.The effect of multipath , which can not be removed through differential gps positioning , is studied in theory exceptionally . at the same time , the dgps and rtk are constructed , and a lot of dgps and rtk positioning data are collected
2 )分析了影响gps定位精度的各种因素,深入研究了差分系统无法消除的多径效应;构建了dgps和rtk系统,采集了大量观测数据。
5.First , on the base of investigating geleshan geologic environments , the author carefully analyzes them , studies their water storage structure , discusses the relationship of underground water dynamic changes and tunnel drainage by desiccation ; secondly , the author makes the dynamic analysis , regression analysis , routine hydrochemistry analysis , isotope analysis , so draws to guan - yin gorge anticlire east and west slot ' s karst developing features , alternated conditions underground water and supplying drain ways ; thirdly , by stating the fissuring ' s surveying data , the author calculates the seeping tensor
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