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English translation for "大量出售"


Related Translations:
大量处理:  bulk processing
大量库存:  huge stocklarge stockmassive stock clear outoffer is subject to availability
大量需求:  heavy demandkeen demand
大量财富:  large fortune
大量摄取:  huge uptake
大量支撑:  heavy bracing
大量杀戮:  slaughter
大量 订货:  considerable orders
大量观测:  mass observation
大量生:  mass production
Example Sentences:
1.They are selling marbled crayfish by the condensed - milk - tin load along all the main roads from the city
2.Massive sales could roil gold markets ? one reason why many american senators , under pressure from gold - mining firms , have already voiced loud opposition
3.Armed with moveable type presses , scottish plagiarists " looted " british booksellers by selling bootlegged tomes at prices 30 - 50 percent below the price of an original
利用活字印刷,苏格兰剽窃者大肆“掠夺”英国书商,以低于原来价格30 - 50的价格大量出售盗版。
4.The announcements came along with confirmation of reports that the united states is in the final stages of negotiating a large military sales package for saudi arabia and other gulf states
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