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English translation for "大气浓度"

atmo heric concentration
atmosphere concentration
atmospheric concentration

Related Translations:
大气:  1.(地球周围的气体) atmosphere; air2.(呼吸; 沉重的呼吸) breath; heavy breathing 短语和例子跑得直喘大气 breathe heavily from running; 吓得连大气也不敢出 catch or hold one's breath in fear
铀浓度:  uranium concentration
大气干燥:  air seasoning;air dryingatmospheric drying
爆炸性大气:  explosive atmosphere
大气氯:  atmo heric chlorineatmospheric chlorine
大气骚动:  atmospheric agitation
月球大气:  lunar atmosphere
自由大气:  free atmosphere
座舱大气:  aircraft cabin atmospherecabin atmosphere
扰动大气:  disturbd atmosphererough atmosphere
Example Sentences:
1.In order to know about the relation between the indoor particle ' s concentration and time , the author educed a formula which shows the indoor particle ' s instantaneous concentration based on the indoor purifying model . the author also has analysed the relations between the indoor particle ' s concentration changing and some factors including the indoor particle ' s initialization concentration , outdoor particle ' s concentration , air speed , etc
Similar Words:
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