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English translation for "多伦多电视塔"

the cn tower

Related Translations:
中央广播电视塔:  central tv tower
多伦多:  toronto(c-15)toronto(ont.)yyz: toronto
多伦多电弧:  toronto arc
多伦多枫叶:  toronto maple leafs
多伦多水库:  toronto res
多伦多爱斯基摩人:  toronto huskies
多伦多广告栏:  toronto ads
多伦多港:  port of torontotoronto harbour
多伦多群岛:  toronto islands
多伦多fc:  toronto fc
Example Sentences:
1.The dubai tower will be the tallest building in the world when finished . it will dwarf the 553m cn tower in toronto and planned high - rises in shanghai and new york
阿联酋航空公司将修建一座世界上最高的建筑- -迪拜塔. 553米高的多伦多电视塔和它一比将变成"小矮人" ,上海和纽约正在筹划中的超高层建筑也会相形见绌
2.The dubai tower will be the tallest building in the world when finished . it would dwarf the 553m cn tower in toronto and planned high - rises in shanghai and new york
竣工后的“迪拜塔”将成为世界上最高的建筑,连553米高的多伦多电视塔和它一比都会变成“小矮人” ,上海和纽约正在筹划中的超高层建筑也将相形见绌。
Similar Words:
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