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English translation for "因此对"


Related Translations:
结果因此:  in consequence
因此消瘦:  eat one's heart out
因此由于:  a result
因此不要哭泣:  and don't you cry tonight
因此我明白:  so i see
因此别奢求歉意:  so expect no apologies
你不要因此背包袱:  don't let it weigh on your mind
因此而更好:  be the better for it
因此我道再见:  so i bid mine goodbye and never knew
伤心异常因此消瘦:  eat one's heart out
Example Sentences:
1.He had worked in the hospital for so many years that he was callous to the suffering in the wards .
2.Descriptions of sandstone bodies are commonly incomplete, and the interpretations placed on their origins may be equivocal .
3.After a discovery such as that it would have seemed ungrateful to find any fault, and so they tried to shut their eyes to other defects .
4.So being responsible for the ads is of top priority
5.So the reliability was given a higher demand
6.Control has no visual rendering , calling the
7.- that ' s about our 1 2th time . - yeah
8.That ' s about our 1 2th time . - yeah
9.So it is urgent for us to develop our own asi
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