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English translation for "咖啡渣"

coffee bean pulp
coffee grounds

Related Translations:
咖啡糕:  coffeecake
散装咖啡:  loose coffee
咖啡具:  coffee servicecoffee set
咖啡银行:  banco cafeterobanco del cafe, s.a
炒咖啡:  roasted coffee
咖啡硷:  caffeine
亚历山大咖啡:  cafe alexander
麦氏咖啡:  maxellmaxwell house coffee
咖啡加柠檬:  caffe im lemon
剧院咖啡屋:  food theater cafe
Example Sentences:
1.The coffee grains plugged up the kitchen drain
2.The coffee grains plugged up the kitchen drain
3.Determination of the content of mannan in defatted coffee grounds
4.25 give your garden a good breakfast ; coffee grounds and eggshells are ideal for composting
5.And once in from the hills , the men can loll for hours over a demitasse of fierce black coffee sipped down to the slurry at the cup ' s bottom
6.Silica pigment , benzene parazolone , oxalic acid catalyzer , accelerant , catalyst , deposit carbon powder , starch , paraacetaminophenetol - sulfonamide , sodiumpara - aminosalicylate ( pasna ) , dalmato , p - thephalic acid , diethylbenzene - amine , titanium dioxide , acticarbon , sodium fluosilicate , fluorite , by - thiamine , silica gel powder , synthetic resin , sulfonic acid , polypropylene resin , aureomycin , pyrosodium silicate , gluchlorine acid coffee grounds , glucose , sodium sulfate , sulfide mineral , guound phosphate rock , bb , p . v . c . ,
M 、触媒、沉淀炭粉、对乙酰氮基苯磺酰氨、对氨基水杨酸、哆耳玛托、对苯二酸、二乙苯铵、二氧化钛、活性碳、氟硅酸钠、氟石矿、副产硫铵、硅胶粉未、合成树脂、磷酸钙、聚丙烯树脂、金霉素、偏硅酸钠、糠氯酸咖啡渣、口服葡萄糠、硫酸钠、硫化矿、磷矿粉、兰bb 、 p . v
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