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English translation for "咖啡与茶"

coffee and tea

Related Translations:
咖啡糕:  coffeecake
散装咖啡:  loose coffee
咖啡具:  coffee servicecoffee set
咖啡银行:  banco cafeterobanco del cafe, s.a
炒咖啡:  roasted coffee
咖啡硷:  caffeine
亚历山大咖啡:  cafe alexander
麦氏咖啡:  maxellmaxwell house coffee
咖啡加柠檬:  caffe im lemon
剧院咖啡屋:  food theater cafe
Example Sentences:
1.All room it allocates to be as follows , message system of the language mailbox ; adjustable changes in temperature system independently ; electronic lock ; color tv set with remote controller ; international satellite tv programme : cnn , nhk , wowow , deusche welle , chinese taiwan of hbo , satellite tv , sports station , music radio , phoenix s platform , australian platform , cnbc and hbo free movie channel , etc . ; ice box and mini - bar ; make coffee and tea apparatus by oneself ; in addition set up the floor especially smokelessly , offer a living environment with the pure and fresh air to guest not smoking
所有房间配备有:语言信箱留言系统独立可调式冷暖系统电子门锁带有遥控器的彩色电视机国际卫星电视节目: cnn , nhk , wowow , deusche welle , hbo卫星电视中文台体育台音乐台凤凰台澳大利亚台cnbc和hbo免费电影频道等冰柜及小酒吧自制咖啡与茶设备另外特设无烟楼层,为不吸烟的客人提供一个空气清新的居住环境。
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