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English translation for "双向通道"

both way channel
duplex cha el
duplex channel
two-way channel
two-wire channel

Related Translations:
双向密封:  two way seal
双向限幅器:  clipper limiterdouble limiterslicer
双向印刷:  bidrectional printingduplex printing
双向透镜:  double image lens
双向操作:  bidirectional operationbidirrectional operationbiplane operationboth way operationbothway operationoperation, completetwo way operationtwo-way operation
双向收费:  two-way charge systemtwo-way charging scheme
双向发电:  two way generation
双向转换:  bilateral switching
双向电视:  two way televisiontwo-way television
双向联系:  bidirectional relationship
Example Sentences:
1.Two - fiber bi - directional path protection ring
2.In other words , broadband doesn ' t really offer a two - way street
3.Half duplex channel
4.Paris , oct . 24 ? the european union told china on tuesday that it could face barriers to its booming exports like clothes , shoes and electronic goods if it did not work toward creating a two - way street for global commerce
巴黎10月24日讯? ?星期二,欧盟告诉中国,如果中国不努力创造全球贸易的双向通道,其迅速增长的服装、鞋子和电子产品的出口会面临壁垒。
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