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English translation for "内部意义"

internal meaning

Related Translations:
派生意义:  derived meaning
内部:  interior; inside; inward; indoor; depth; viscera; bowel; internal 短语和例子内部联系 internal relations; 国家内部事务 the domestic affairs of a country; 人民内部矛盾 contradictions among the people; 事物的内部规律性 i
内部装置:  interior fitting-outinternal fittinginternals
内部版本:  internal release
内部转移:  internal transition
内部晶格:  internal crystal framework
内部制衡:  internal balancing
内部增长率:  internal growth rate
内部侦探:  rubber heel
内部过程:  built in procedurebuilt-in procedureinline procedurein-stream procedureinternal procedure
Example Sentences:
1.The dissertation will take celebrity advertising as a series of practicing of symbols centering on the celebrity symbol , then study the inside of celebrity symbol and the text of the advertising , and research into how does the celebrity advertising produce the meaning
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