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English translation for "全买"

buy up
buying up

Related Translations:
买机票:  entertainment a twenty-four-hour bookstorepurchasing airline tickets
买涨:  bull
买时:  true-time
买他们:  buy them
买邮票:  buying stamps
买定:  settle a purchase
买超:  overboughtoverbuy
买垫头:  go on margin
买尔洋:  maryang
易买得:  e-mart
Example Sentences:
1.The big banks agree to buy out the little banks at an appropriate discount .
2.A whole number cost about $100, a lot of money for a small-time wine seller.
3.The slave-dealer bought us both, and hitched us onto that long chain of his, and we constituted the rear of his procession .
4.L need the swag billy brought over . l want to buy it all back
5.Buy it up dumb it down
6.I hear there ' s going to be a price increase soon , but keep it under wraps or everybody will buy them up
7.When the princess saw the wares , she was quite delighted and said , " they are so beautifully made that i will buy them all from you .
Similar Words:
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