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English translation for "元宵灯会"

lantern festival sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour

Related Translations:
灯会:  lantern show
春灯会:  spring lamps festival
元宵:  1.(农历正月十五日夜晚) the night of the 15th of the first lunar month 短语和例子元宵灯会 lantern festival2.(用糯米粉等做成的球形食品) sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour (for the lantern festival); 元宵节 the lan
举办为期一周的赏灯会:  hold a lantern exhibition lasting a week
元宵圆:  rice glue ball
闹元宵:  nao yuan xiao
炸元宵:  fried rice glue ball
酒酿元宵:  rice glue ball with wine
元宵灯展:  lantern exhibition
元宵张灯:  the lantern festival
Example Sentences:
1.Jack : i think i ' d like to see the parade
2.As part of the chinese new year celebration , the entertainment office organizes spring lantern carnivals every year
3.As part of the chinese new year celebration , the entertainment office organizes spring lantern carnivals every year
4.Leo : you can do both ! the cruise takes four hours and the parade doesn ' t start until after sunset
5.Participating in the new years lantern exhibition held by the kinmen county government , displaying supreme master ching hais longevity lamps and other art work and holding a soul - elevating seminar and
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