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English translation for "串联电容"

series capacitance
series capacitor
series capacity

Related Translations:
串联锚:  back anchorbacking an anchor
反向串联:  differential concatenationseries opposingseries-opposing connection
串联舵:  tandem rudders
串联均衡器:  series equalizer
串联顺次:  in-sequence
串联溜槽:  chutes in tandem
串联灯:  series lampserieslamp
串联反向:  series opposing
串联接入:  put in series
简单串联重复串联序列:  simple tandem repeat
Example Sentences:
1.Fixed series capacitor compensation
2.Series capacitors for power systems - part 2 : protective equipment for series capacitor banks
3.The switching frequency is decided by osci frequency . if rosc pin series a resister to vdd , or connect a capacitor to vss , the switching frequency can be adjusted
切换频率是由osc频率决定,以rosc脚串联电阻到vdd ,或串联电容到vss ,可调整切换频率。
4.The thyristor controlled series compensation ( tcsc ) is an important member of facts family . it possesses the superexcellent capability , enhancing the transmission faculty of lines and improving system stability , with simpler configuration , cheaper cost
可控串联电容补偿( tcsc )便是facts家族的一个重要成员,其结构简单,造价低廉,具备提高输电线传输能力及改善系统稳定的卓越性能。
5.This modeling method is applicable to most of facts and hvdc devices , not only to those devices including thyristor - controlled reactor ( tcr ) , such as thyristor - controlled series capacitor ( tcsc ) and static var compensator ( svc ) , but also to those devices including converter bridge , such as hvdc device and static synchronous compenstor ( statcom ) , etc . it deduces the mathematical models of tcsc , hvdc , svc and statcom devices with the proposed method
该方法能适用于大多数facts装置和hvdc装置,不仅可用于含有晶闸管可控电抗器( tcr )元件的装置如可控串联电容补偿( tcsc ) 、静止无功补偿器( svc )等的建模,也可用于含换流桥的装置如hvdc装置、静止同步补偿器( statcom )等的建模。本论文采用动态相量法建立了tcsc 、 svc 、 hvdc及statcom装置的数学模型。
Similar Words:
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