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English translation for "中专生"

secondary specialized or technical school student
secondary specialized school student
technical school student
Example Sentences:
1.On strengthening polytechnic school students ' writing of news
2.Countermeasure research on mental health of vocational students
3.Relation study on self - confidence of the secondary school students and the way of their family nurture
4.Conclusions the situation of smoking among secondary technical school students was unoptimistic
5.The relationship between the achievement - motivation and self - worth of students in secondary medical school
6.A study on the relationship between stressful life events and the mental health of junior college students of science and technology
7.Results the total rate of attempting smoking was 29 . 13 % , and the total rate of regular smoking was 8 . 4 %
结果中专生尝试吸烟率为29 . 13 % ,规律吸烟率为8 . 4 % ,性别以及地区之间差异有统计学意义。
8.This is important question for technical secondary school students to be weary of study in the process of technical secondary education
9.Thus , the students can acquire communicative competence , and will succeed in communication in their future career
10.There are more and more one - child families . there are very important relations between the way of family nurture and their children ' s self - confidence
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