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English translation for "不可抗力事件"

force majeure

Related Translations:
不可抗力:  [法律] (人力所不能抵抗的力量) vis major; act of god [providence]; force majeure; beyond human control◇不可抗力条款 force majeure clause
不可抗力免责:  force majeure exception
不可抗力碰撞:  collision caused by force majeure
不可抗力规定:  force majeure provision
不可抗力灾害:  accident beyond control
不可抗力条款:  act of god clausefmc force majeure clauseforce majeure clause
不可抗力事故:  accident beyond control
不可抗力情况:  case of force majeure
Example Sentences:
1.1 the seller does not bear any liability , in case of force - major
2.In case the accident lasts for more than 4 weeks , the buyer shall have the right to cancel this contract
3.Fee or delayed time limit for project due to irresistible force will be compromised to settle by both parties
4.If the event of force majeure lasts over 120 days , both parties shall have the right to terminate the contract
5.Force majeure events , to the extent they extend the critical path portion of the contract schedule , are also excusable delays
6.If a force majeure event lasts more than [ 60 ] days , the parties hereto may negotiate whether to perform or terminate the contract
7.If the force majeure event lasts over 120 days , both parties shall negotiate the performance or the termination of the contract
8.Any checks written from the jv in an amount over us 5 , 000 will require on signatures of each partys nominated representative
9.The concerned party shall not be responsible for any delay or failure in performing any or all of the obligations due to the event of force majeure
10.The seller shall not be held liable for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods under this sales contract in consequence of any force majeure incidents
Similar Words:
"不可抗力事故" English translation, "不可抗力事故的后果" English translation, "不可抗力事故的通知" English translation, "不可抗力事故后的对承包商的付款" English translation, "不可抗力事故后的选择性终止" English translation, "不可抗力条款" English translation, "不可抗力因素及索赔" English translation, "不可抗力灾害" English translation, "不可靠" English translation, "不可靠的" English translation