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English translation for "一衣带水的邻邦"

close neighbours separated by only a strip of water
neighbors separated only by a strip of water

Related Translations:
邻邦:  neighbouring country 短语和例子友好邻邦 good neighbours
一衣带水:  a narrow strip of water; a river like a belt in width; be connected by a stream; be continuous to each other; be joined by a strip of water; be separated (from) by a mere strip of water; b
友好邻邦:  good neighbours
中国和日本是一衣带水的近邻:  china and japan are close neighbours separated only by a strip of water
Example Sentences:
1.Whereas china and japan are neighbors , their culture and education share both similarities and unique features
2.As neighbors separated only by a strip of water , china and japan have enjoyed close economic cooperation and frequent personnel exchanges
3.And now japan is stepping toward the phase of universalization japan , as a china ' s neighboring country separated only by a strip of water , has the similar culture . so japanese experiences and lessons from its popularization of higher education will bring china some useful enlightenments and references
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