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English translation for "一点儿没有"

not a breath of

Related Translations:
一点儿:  a bit; a little; thimbleful; taste; small amount 短语和例子一点儿都不知道 have not the faintest idea; 一点儿也不累 not feel the least bit tired; 一点儿用处也没有 utterly useless; 嫌小了一点儿 a bit too small
一点儿一点儿地:  by degrees
一点儿小意思:  little gift as a token of one's appreciation look likeseem
一点儿不:  not a bit
少许一点儿:  bittock
一点儿不错:  perfectly correct
好一点儿:  a little better
一点儿也没有:  not the slightest amount of sth
晚一点儿起床:  sleep in
一次一点儿地:  a little at a time
Example Sentences:
1.She had no suspicion of mr. slope's intention .
2.Thomasin was so surprised by the explanation that she quite forgot to lecture the girl .
3.Mollenhauer, sly and secretive himself, was apparently not at all moved by this unexpected development .
4.I ' m afraid that singer ' s voice leaves me cold
5.Are you lost to every feeling of propriety and delicacy
6." no , indeed , i am not ; for i assure you , his power over our household is almost unlimited
7.But he never meddled at all ; just slid the lid along as soft as mush , and screwed it down tight and fast
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