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English translation for "一专多能"

[ yīzhuànduōnéng ]
good at many things and expert in one; become expert in one field while possessing all-round knowledge and ability; (be) expert in one thing and good at many; know sth. of everything and everything of sth.; master many skills while specializing in one

Related Translations:
一专多能的康复治疗师:  multipurpose rehabilitation therapistmultipurpose therapist
Example Sentences:
1.One of the board s main tasks was to standardize and enrich contents of the retraining programmes with a multi - skill and modular approach
2.Lucy alexis liu is an early thirties chinese beauty and was born and raised in the italian neighbourhood of queens , new york
3.I major in business english . the main courses i have studied are the basic courses for english majors , french , fundamentals of business , macroeconomics , microeconomics , international commercial law , internatioal trade , the economics of money , banking and financial market & principles of marketing during my college time , i study hard , and get good marks in most of the subjects . i pay attention not only to my study but also to improving my social abilities , i taught in qin huangdao chuangzhi foreign studies school from july 2003 to 2004 , was an interpreter for the world bicycle championships b 2001 in june 2001 , taught in qin huangdao cambridge school from mar . 2001 to sep . 2001 , and i have abundant house - teaching experiences . what ' s more , i practised in qin huangdao chia tai co . in jan . 2003 . i also tried my best to improve my other abilities besides my major , such as computer , managing abilities . i got " 1st grade " in the " hebei college students ' plan for company - creating contest " ( our work will participate in the national college students ' plan for company - creating contest ) , and got " excellent " in the " web - making contest " of yanshan university
大学期间,我严格遵守学校规章制度,尊敬师长、团结同学,有很强的集体荣誉感;学习认真刻苦,成绩良好,我的专业学习涉及内容相当广泛,包括英语的所有基础课和国际商法、市场营销、国际贸易、国际金融、工商导论、宏微观经济学等;重视理论联系实际,在学好专业课的基础上,积极参加各项社会实践、实习活动, 2001年6月,我曾为世界b级自行车锦标赛(中国?秦皇岛)担当翻译工作,在多所外语学校担任英语教师,还多次为北方物流置业有限公司(国家、河北省重点建设项目)翻译招商材料,而且2002年年底,在秦皇岛正大有限责任公司行销部实习;在学好专业课的同时,为了补充和扩展自己的知识面,我广泛涉猎其他学科的知识,如计算机、网络、创业等,尽量使自身更快成长为一专多能型人才, 2002年4月开始参加燕山大学学生创业计划大赛,并在2003年上半年参加了河北省大学生创业计划大赛,获得了一等奖的优异成绩,并将报送参加国家大学生“世纪杯”创业计划大赛, 2002年4月,参加燕山大学“绿色网络”网页制作大赛,获得了优秀奖。 。
4.Begun in early 1960s . the higher vocational education has accumulated rich valuable experience , such as alternate academic and practical , master - hand foreman , experts with multi - skilled , training - focuse learning , research arid develop , produce and sale flourish , integrated development etc
5.In clearing off the demarcation between different types of work resulting from existence of various technical professions efforts have to be made to set up certain new types of composite technical professions so as to break down the traditional pattern of specialized management and work division and establish a new type of relationship between man and equipment in the production line of the cold rolling mill and enrich the new conception of development in the technical and equipment management in the coming century
6.According to current social reform demand of piano - educational in high music professional education , this article proposed the present stage high music education should take the education for all - around development as the goal , train persons who are expert in one thing and good at many ; the piano education must walk on his own characteristic way to implementing diversify teaching , which has the proper attention to both popularization and enhancement
7.In order to actively face the challenges , we must first have a clear idea of the guiding principles and the targets of strengthening the construction of the " two - course - teacher " team in the new situation so that we can construct a well - structured and vigorous " two - course - teacher " team of high level that can fit the development of the new situations , the members of which should comprise enough teachers of good quality . secondly , we must have a clear idea of the requirements for the entire qualities of the " two - course - teacher " team , namely , the requirements for their political theory quality which refers to their steadfastness in their political stands , ideals and beliefs , political theory and journal concept quality ; the requirements for their idealistic
8.In part one , as for the nature of law education , there is no definite orientation in china yet . and arguments over it are bitter . we should refer to the experience of other countries , consider the practicality of law and the demands of society , thus take professional education as the core of education for undergraduates of law majors
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