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English translation for "一万一"

eleven thousand

Related Translations:
万一:  1.(可能性极小的假设) just in case; if by any chance 短语和例子可能下雨, 拿把伞吧, 以防万一。 it may rain; you'd better take an umbrella just in case.2.(可能性很小的意外) contingency; eventuality 短语和例子准备应付一切万一发生的事故 be prepa
九万一:  kumaichi
万一时:  in the event of
防备万一:  be ready for all eventualities
准备万一:  prepare for the worst; be prepared for an emergency; expect the worst; keep one's powder dry
哦万一:  oooh what if
万一英:  yiying wan
万一发生:  in case of
久万一:  kumaichi
万一下雨:  in case of rain they can't go
Example Sentences:
1.A passenger in an airplane would notice a marked change in the atmosphere on passing an elevation of 11 km .
2.11 000 temporary positions to be extended
3.I won ' t buy it even if it ' s 1 1 , 000 won
4.In our case , it should be ten thousand , just ten thousand
5.In our case , it should be ten thousand , just ten thousand . .
我们这种情况,最多一万一万就够了. .
6.The auto plant now has an annual capacity of 11 , 000 cars
7.Extend 11 000 temporary positions
8.Eleven thousand , four hundred dollars
9.More than one - third of the park ' s 11 , 560 acres is underwater
10.Joints low voltage cables and joints dead cables up to 11 kv
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