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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

锑矿床 antimony deposit
锑钯矿 stibiopalladinite
锒铛 iron chains chank
锒铛入狱 be chained and thrown into p...
mend with cramps
锔子 a cramp used in mending croc...
锔系元素 curoid
锕化合物 actinium compound
锕同位素 actinium isotope
锕族 actinium family
锕系 actinium series
锕系元素 actinides
锕系金属 actinide series metals
锕络合物 actinium complex
锖色 tarnish
锗二极管 germanium diode
锗半导体 germanium semiconductor
锗晶体 germanium crystal
锗晶体管 germanium transistor
锗石 germanite
锗矿床 germanium deposit
锘化合物 nobelium compound
锘同位素 nobelium isotope
锘络合物 nobelium complex
错不了 unlikely to go wrong
错乱 in disorder
错乱选择 distracter
错乱铅字 pie
错了就要认帐 If you're wrong,you should a...
错位 dislocation
错入歧途 fall into wrong path
错划 label unjustifiably
错划为右派分子 be unjustifiably labelled "R...
错判 erroneous judgement
错判断 misinterpretation
错别字 wrongly written or mispronou...
错处 fault
错字 wrongly written character mi...
错字符 error character
错字连篇 a link of erroneous characte...
错定位 mispointing
错帐 errors of account
错彩镂金 gorgeously wrought -- colour...
错怪 blame sb. wrongly
错打主意 miscalculate
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