进行周密的调查 carry out a thorough investi... |
进行坚决斗争 wage a resolute struggle |
进行垂死的挣扎 put up a last-ditch struggle |
进行宣传鼓动 conduct propaganda and agita... |
进行巡航实习 take a practice cruise |
进行广泛的交谈 have a wide-ranging conversa... |
进行投机倒把 engage in speculation and pr... |
进行抗辩 enter a demurrer |
进行报复 make reprisals |
进行攻讦 rack up sb.'s past and attac... |
进行教学实习 do practice teaching |
进行时 progressive tense |
进行曲 march |
进行有力的反击 deal a vigorous counter-blow |
进行核试验 conduct a nuclear test |
进行检测 give a test |
进行正面教育 educate by using positive ex... |
进行武装挑衅 carry out armed provocation |
进行深入的调查研究 make a deep investigation an... |
进行深刻的分析 make penetrating analysis |
进行热烈的讨论 have a lively discussion |
进行牵制 create a diversion |
进行真枪实弹的演习 conduct exercises with live ... |
进行礼节性的访问 pay a complimentary visit |
进行科学实验 conduct scientific experimen... |