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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

自来火 matches cigarette-lighter
自欺欺人 deceive oneself as well as o...
自残 autotomy
自毁 self-destruction
自毁前程 destroy one's own career
自治 exercise autonomy
自治区 autonomous region
自治县 autonomous county
自治团体 autonomous body
自治州 autonomous district
自治旗 autonomous banner
自治机关 organ of self-government
自治机构 autonomous body
自治权 autonomy
自治条例 regulations on the exercise ...
自治港 autonomous port
自治的权限 autonomous jurisdiction
自治领 dominion
自流 flow automatically
自流井 artesian well
自流灌溉 gravity irrigation
自渎 self-abuse
自溶 autopepsia
自滞酒色 pass one's time in wine and ...
自满 self-satisfied
自满情绪 complacency
自满自欺 deceive oneself
自满自足 self-satisfied and self-cont...
自灭 perish of itself
自炫其能 show off one's ability
自焚 get burned
自然 nature
自然主义 naturalism
自然人 natural person
自然优势 natural advantages
自然保护 natural conservation
自然保护规划 na-tural conservation planni...
自然倾向 propensity
自然减员 natural reduction of staffs
自然分类 natural classification
自然力 natural forces
自然区划 natural regionalization
自然博物馆 Natural Museum
自然发展进程 a process of natural develop...
自然变化 spontaneous change
自然变异 natural variation
自然哲学 natural philosophy
自然地归于消灭 die out naturally
自然地理 physical geography
自然地理区划 physical geographic regional...
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