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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

熟料 grog
熟朋友 familiar friend
熟水 boiled water
熟油 stand oil
熟皮子 tanned leather
熟睡 be in a deep sleep
熟知 know very well
熟知内情 know the ropes
熟石灰 hydrated lime
熟石膏 plaster
熟稔 know sb. very well
熟练 skilled
熟练地使用一门外语 manipulate a foreign languag...
熟练地演奏钢琴 perform perfectly on the pia...
熟练工人 skilled worker
熟而不烂 thoroughly cooked but not mu...
熟肉 cooked meat
熟能生巧 Skill comes from practice.
熟荒地 once cultivated land
熟菜 cooked food
熟虑其后 consider maturely the conseq...
熟虑断行 think deliberately and execu...
熟虑果断 deliberate in counsel and pr...
熟视无睹 turn a blind eye to
熟记 learn by heart
熟记这首诗 learn the poem off
熟识 be well acquainted with
熟语 idiom
熟语单位 phraseologeme
熟语词典 phraseological dictionary
熟读 read carefully over and over...
熟读成诵 read again and again until o...
熟读详味 study earnestly and search o...
熟谙 be familiar with
熟谙世事 have a large business experi...
熟谙时事 be acquainted with the curre...
熟谙水性 be an expert swimmer
熟路 familiar route
熟道 familiar route or road
熟铁 wrought iron
熟铜 wrought copper familiar
熟门熟路 be used to one's ways
熟食 cooked food
熟食店 deli
熠熠 glistening
heat up by steaming or toast...
熨帖 apt calm well handled
熨斗 iron
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