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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

海岸台 offshore bench
海岸图 coast chart
海岸地带 coastal strip
海岸地貌 coastal landform
海岸堤防 dyke
海岸工程 coastal engineering
海岸带 coastal zone
海岸景色 coast scenery
海岸松 maritime pine
海岸林 littoral forest
海岸气候 coastal climate
海岸沉积 coast deposit
海岸沙丘 coast dune
海岸沙漠 coastal desert
海岸沼泽 coastal marsh
海岸灌丛 littoral thicket
海岸炮 coast gun
海岸炮兵 coast artillery
海岸线 beachline
海岸线效应 coast-line effect
海岸线测量 coastlining
海岸线走向 the trend of the coastline
海岸观察哨 coast watcher
海岸警卫队 Coast Guard
海岸边上的陡峭绝壁 bold cliff by the shore
海岸防御 coastal defence
海岸防护 coast protection
海岸防护林 protective coast-forest
海岸雷达 shore radar
海岸预警雷达 shore early-warning radar
海峡 strait
海峡群岛 the Channel Islands
海峡隧道 chunnel
海峰 seapeak
海崖 seascarp
海市蜃楼 mirage
海带 Laminaria japonica
海平原 sea plain
海平面 sea level
海平面气压 sea-level pressure
海床 seabed
海床区域 sea-bed area
海底 the bottom of the sea
海底养殖 bottom culture
海底动物 infauna
海底勘察 submarine exploration
海底地形 seafloor relief
海底地形图 ocean floor relief map
海底地貌 submarine geomorphy
海底地质学 submarine geology
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