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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

放弃诉讼 renounce an action
放弃财产 relinquish one's possessions
放弃追踪 give up the pursuit
放弃遗产继承权 renounce claim to an inherit...
放弃金本位 off the gold standard
放录像 turn on the videocorder
放影灯 cinema lamp
放待洗衣服的口袋 a laundry bag
放心 set one's mind at rest
放怀 to one's heart's content
放恣 proud and self-indulgent
放恣失仪 debauched and impolite
放慢 slow
放手 let go
放手去做 do sth. with a free hand -- ...
放手发动 freely to mobilize
放手操纵 hands-off control
放手放脚 with hands and feet unfetter...
放手让大家讲话 Let all people express their...
放散 diffuse
放明白些 You ought to know better!
放映 show
放映电影 show a film
放晴 clear up
放暑假 have summer holidays
放暗箭 stab in the back
放权 delegate powers to lower lev...
放松 relax
放松一点 loosen it a little blossom
放松世界观的改造 slacken one's efforts to rem...
放松功 psychosomatic relaxation
放松活动 relaxation exercise
放松管理 loose management
放松臂 release arm
放松警惕 relax one's vigilance
放样 laying off
放样书 molding book
放样台 mould loft floor
放样员 mold loftsman
放样工 linesman
放样间 molding loft
放款 make loans
放款人 lender
放款帐户 loan account
放款机构 lending institution
放款标准 lending criteria
放款银行 loan bank
放款限度 loan ceiling
放步 advance with big strides
放毒 put poison in food,water,etc...
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