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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

报纸捆扎机 newspaper bundling machine
报纸新闻摘录 extracts from press reports
报纸是准确反映时代的一面镜子 The newspapers are a good mi...
报纸经销者 roadmen
报纸给风吹走了 The newspaper was blown away...
报纸计数器 newspaper counters
报纸铅版自动铸版机 autoplate
报考 register for examination
报聘 pay a return visit to a frie...
报表 report forms
报表书 report
报表名 report name
报表周期 reporting period
报表头 report heading
报表尾 report footing
报表文件 report file
报表格式 report form
报表生成 report generation
报表程序 report programme
报表编辑功能 report writer feature
报表语言 schedule language
报表项目 report item
报警 report to the police give an...
报警信号 alerting signal
报警信号灯 warning light
报警信号系统 alarm signal system
报警器 annunciator
报警指示器 warning indicators
报警显示 alarm display
报警灯 alarm lamp
报警电话 call box
报警电路 alarm circuits
报警符 bell character
报警系统 warning system
报警装置 warning device
报警部件 warning piece
报警铃 emergency alarm bell
报话合用机 phonophore
报话机 handie-talkie
报请审批 submit to a higher level for...
报贩 news dealer
报道 report
报道会议情况 cover the conference
报道大选的情况 report on the general electi...
报酬 reward
报销 submit an expense account
报销出差费 reimbursement of travel expe...
报销单 dispatch list
报雨器 ombroscope
报馆 newspaper office
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