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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

收回投资 recouping the capital outlay
收回旧欠 collect outstanding accounts
收回本厂投资 recoup the plant's capital o...
收回欠款 recover a debt
收回礼物 resume one's gift
收回股份基金 stock redemption fund
收回自己的话 take back one's words
收回贷款 call in a loan
收回资本 capital recovery
收场 wind up
收复 recover
收复国土 recover one's territory
收复失地 recover lost territory
收复河山 recover the lost territory
收存 receive and keep
收容 take in
收容所 collecting post
收容难民 house refugees
收尸 bury the dead
收尾 wind up
收尾工作 winding up ending
收工 stop work for the day
收工具 put the tools away
收废品 collect scrap
收录 employ
收录两用机 radio cassette player
收录几个职员 recruit some office workers ...
收录晚上播送的国际新闻节目 take down the evening broadc...
收心 get into the frame of mind f...
收心归正 give up evil ways and return...
收成 crop
收执 be issued to the person conc...
收报机 telegraphic receiver
收押 take into custody
收拢 draw sth. in
收拢者 furler
收拾 put in order
收拾屋子 tidy up the room get things ...
收拾收拾 get one's things together
收拾收拾行李 pack up one's things
收拾桌子 clear the table
收拾残兵败将 muster the remnants of the a...
收拾残局 clear up the mess
收拾破碟子的碎片 gather up the pieces of brok...
收拾碟盘和剩菜剩饭 clear away dishes and leftov...
收拾衣物 pack up one's clothes repair
收拾鞋子 mend shoes settle with
收据 receipt
收据簿 receipt book
收揽 win over
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