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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

攀花折木 break off flowers and branch...
攀花折柳 break off flowers and willow...
攀藤附葛 take hold of bushes and tree...
攀谈 engage in small talk
攀越 escalade
攀附 play up to
攀附权贵 attach oneself to persons in...
攀高枝儿 climb to a higher branch of ...
攀高门亲 marry above one's station
攀龙附凤 serve an Emperor and do serv...
shovel coal,ore,etc. from on...
攉煤工人 coal shoveller
攉煤机 coal shovel
collect together
攒三聚五 gather in little knots
攒头接耳 lay heads together
攒眉蹙额 knit the brows
攒竹 Zanzhu
攒粪 gather manure
攒聚 gather closely together
攒钱 save up money
攘外 resist foreign aggression se...
攘外安内 resist foreign aggression an...
攘夺 seize
攘往熙来 coming and going in crowds
攘攘 numerous and disorderly
攘文 Rang Wen
攘灾 drive off evil
攘臂 push up one's sleeves and ba...
攘臂嗔目 roll up one's sleeves and st...
攘臂而起 roll up one's sleeves and sp...
攘臂高呼 raise one's hands and shout
攘袂切齿 roll up one's sleeves and cl...
攘袂扼腕 roll up one's sleeves and ho...
攘除 get rid of
攘除奸邪 get rid of the wicked
攥住他的手腕 grasp him by the wrist
攥紧拳头 clench one's fist
攫为己有 seize possession of
攫取 seize
攫取暴利 rake in exorbitant profits
攫取某物 make a grab at sth.
攫取资源 grab the resources
攫取超额利润 grab super-profits
攫取面 gripping surface
攫而食之 catch and eat it
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