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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

抹灰护角 plaster head
抹灰涂料 rendering
抹点雪花膏 put on a little vanishing cr...
抹眼泪 wipe one's eyes
抹粉 powder
抹粉擦胭 powder and paint
抹糨糊 smear paste
抹胸捶背 rub one's chest and massage ...
抹脖子 cut one's own throat
抹脸 straighten one's face
抹过暗礁 skirt around a reef
抹面 plaster
抹音 erasure
抹音按键 erase cut-out button
抹音放大器 erasing amplifier
抹音磁头 erasing head
抹香鲸 sperm whale
抹黑 blacken sb.'s name
pull out
抻面 make noodles by drawing out ...
give as security
押仲 Ya Zhong
押住阵脚 hold in battle array
押后审讯 adjournment of hearing
押寨夫人 the wife of a brigand chief
押尾 sign or mark in lieu of sign...
押帐 leave sth. as security for a...
押柜 deposit
押款 borrow money on security a l...
押汇信用证 documentary credit
押汇汇票 documented bill
押汇证 cash against documents
押租 rent deposit
押行李 escort luggage
押解 send away under escort
押解出境 deport under escort
押赴 send
押赴刑场 dispatch sb. to the executio...
押车 escort goods on a train,truc...
押运 escort in transportation
押运货物 transport goods under the es...
押送 send under guard
押金 cash pledge
押队见 "压队"
押韵 be in rhyme
押韵见 "压韵"
take out
抽一袋烟 smoke a pipe
抽丁 pressgang
抽丁抽税 levy taxes and conscript men...
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