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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

恶运 bad luck
恶阻 vomiting during early pregna...
恶露 lochia
恶露过多 lochiorrhagia
恶霸 local despot hegemonist powe...
恶霸地主 despotic landlord
恶骂 vicious abuse
恶鬼 evil spirit
恶魔 demon
恶魔星 Demon Star
恶龙难斗地头蛇 Even a ferocious dragon will...
恸哭 wail
恹恹 weak and weary through illne...
恹恹一息 critically ill with little b...
恺切同 "剀切"
恺恺君子 a delighted worthy
恻然 grieved
恻隐 compassion
恻隐之心 sympathy
be angry
恼人 irritating
恼人春色 suffering from love in sprin...
恼人的暧昧回答 an offensively ambiguous ans...
恼怒 angry
恼恨 resent
恼火 annoyed
恼羞成怒 become angry from embarrassm...
a surname
恽代英 Yun Daiying
恿见 "怂恿"
悃愊 utterly sincere
悃愊无华 in good earnest
悃诚 sincere
悄声 quietly
悄悄 quietly
悄悄地拿走 take away sth. without being...
悄悄离开 leave quietly
悄无人迹 with not a soul in sight
悄然 sorrowfully
悄然无声 very quiet
悄然泪下 shed tears in sorrow
悄然离去 leave quietly
悄然落泪 shed silent tears
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