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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

抗过敏素 antianaphylactin
抗酸 antiacid
抗酸剂 antiacid
抗酸添加剂 antiacid additive
抗酸细菌 acid-fast bacteria
抗锈 rust-proofing
抗锈性 rust quality
抗锈蚀 resistant to rust
抗阻尼 antidamping
抗雌激素 antiestrogenic
抗震 anti-seismic
抗震剂 knock-reducer
抗震加固 seismic hardening
抗震加强支架 antidetonation timbering
抗震建筑物 building to withstand earthq...
抗震强度 shock strength
抗震措施 earthquake resistant constru...
抗震救灾 earthquake relief work
抗震缓冲器 buffer
抗震能力 shock resistance
抗震设计 aseismatic design
抗震试验 shock test
抗霉素 antimycin
抗霉菌素 antimycoin
抗霍乱菌素 anticholerin
抗霜 frost-resistant
抗霜性 frost resistance
抗静电 antistatic
抗静电剂 antistat
抗静电天线 antistatic antenna
抗静电性 antistatic behaviour
抗静电涂料 antistatic coating
抗静电纤维 antistatic fibre
抗静电雷管 antistatic detonator
抗风湿药 antirheumatic
折中之论 a balanced statement
折中妥协 split the difference
折价 convert into money
折价保值 assessment of value in monet...
折价出售 sell at cutrate prices
折价物 trade-ins
折价物折扣 trade-in allowance
折价退赔 monetary compensation may be...
折光 refractive power
折光仪 refractometer
折光度 dioptre
折光镜 enoscope
折兑 exchange for money
折入另一条街 turn into other street be co...
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