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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

平角 flat angle
平订 flat stitching
平话 a style of storytelling popu...
平走慢步 flatfoot walk
平起平坐 on an equal footing
平足 tarsoptosis
平跟鞋 sock
平路机 blade machine
平身 stand up after kowtowing
平车 flatcar
平辈 of the same generation
平道赛马 flat racing
平野 open country
平铺直叙 tell in a simple,straightfor...
平陵 a surname
平陵全 Pingling Quan
平靖 suppress a rebellion and cau...
平静 calm
平静下来 quiet down
平静如常 as tranquil as usual
平静如镜 a glassy calm
平静心情 equanimity
平静的夜晚 a quiet night
平静的年代 quiet times
平静的水面 flat water
平静的海面 a calm sea
平静的湖水映出山的优美轮廓 The still water of the lake ...
平面 plane side
平面三角 plane trigonometry
平面几何 plane geometry
平面图 planimetric map
平面多边形 plane polygon
平面波 plane wave
平面磨床 surface-grinding machine
平面精研机 surface lapping machine
平面调车 shunting on level tracks
平面镜 plane mirror
平顶涵洞 flat topped culvert
平顺 smooth-going
平鱼 slivery pomfret
年下 the lunar New Year holidays
年中 the middle of the year
年久失修 be for long years out of rep...
年事 a person's age
年事及笄 bud into womanhood
年事已高 advanced in age
年事渐长 cut one's eye-teeth
年产量 annual output
年代 age
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