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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

实验剧团 experimental theatre
实验医学 experimental medicine
实验员 laboratory technician
实验学校 laboratory school
实验室 laboratory
实验室仪表 laboratory instrument
实验室助手 preparateur
实验室设备 laboratory equipment
实验室试验 bench-scale experiment
实验室里必须保持井井有条 A laboratory must be kept in...
实验工厂 pilot plant
实验影院 cinemathegue
实验心理学 experimental psychology
实验机器人 experimental robot
实验站 experiment centre
实验组 experimental group
实验证明 demonstration
实验语音学 experimental phonetics
dote on
宠信 be specially fond of and tru...
宠儿 favourite
宠坏 spoil
宠坏的孩子 a spoiled child
宠擅专房 be unusually favoured by a h...
宠爱 make a pet of sb.
宠物 pet
宠羲 Chong Xi
宠辱不惊 remain indifferent whether g...
宠辱皆忘 disregard all favours or hum...
宠辱若惊 be terrified whether granted...
宠遇 treat as a favourite
审判 bring to trial
审判厅 court of law
审判台 bar
审判员 judge
审判员合议庭 panel of judges
审判委员会 judicial committee
审判官 judge
审判席 judgment seat
审判机关 judicial organ
审判权 judicial authority
审判监督 adjudication supervision
审判程序 judicial procedure
审判规则 adjudication rule
审判长 presiding judge
审处 try and punish
审如其言 What he says is indeed true....
审定 authorize
审定文件 approve a document
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