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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

双手动作 double-handed exercise
双手叉腰 with arms akimbo
双手叉腰立着 stand akimbo
双手反绑 tie sb.'s hands behind his b...
双手合十 put one's palms together dev...
双手奉上 present...respectfully with ...
双手扶起 raise up with both hands
双手拱让 give away sth. to sb. with b...
双手捧上 offer on a silver platter
双手操作 conjoined manipulation
双手欢迎 greet sb. with open arms
双手沾满人民鲜血的刽子手 a butcher stained with the b...
双手灵巧 have a light hand
双手赞成 raise both hands in approval
双手遮脸 bury one's face in one's han...
双打 doubles
双打项目 double event
双折射 double refraction
双折射性 birefringence
双折射晶体 birefringence crystal
双折射片 birefringent plate
双折射矿物 doubly refractive mineral
双抢 rush-harvesting and rush-pla...
双拖作业 pair trawling
双拖网渔轮 bull trawler
双择判决 binary decision
双择检测 binary detection
双指手套 mitten
双推力发动机 dual-thrust motor
双掷开关 commutator
双散射 double scattering
双数 even numbers double
双料 of reinforced material
双料脸盆 special quality basin
双方 both sides
双方争持不下 Both sides stuck to their ow...
双方人数对比是一对四 The ratio between the two si...
双方代表 representatives from both si...
双方共同关心的问题 matters of interest to both ...
双方势均力敌 The two sides are well match...
双方协定 mutual agreement
双方取得一致意见 Both sides reached agreement...
双方合同检验 joint inspection
双方同意这些条件 Both parties agreed on these...
双方商定了访问日程 The two sides have agreed on...
双方垄断 bilateral monopoly
双方处于疆持状态 The two parties have come to...
双方对垒 with both sides entrenched b...
双方就共同关心的问题进行了会谈 The two sides held talks on ...
双方打成十五平 The two teams tied at 15-
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