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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

双子电刷 double split brush
双孔 diplopore
双孔定向耦合器 two-hole directional coupler
双孔构架 spectacle frame
双孔磁心 double-aperture core
双孔线圈 binocular coil
双孔花药 biporose anther
双孔透镜 double-aperture lens
双孔钻杆 dual-bore drill rod
双字 double word
双字母 biliteral
双字节 double byte
双字长累加 double-length accumulation
双字长运算 double-precision arithmetic
双季栽培制 double-crop system
双季稻 double-cropping paddy
双学位 double degree
双室炉 double chamber furnace
双室船闸 twin lock
双室调压室 double-chamber surge chamber
双宫丝 doupioni
双宫绸 doupioni
双宫茧 dupion
双宫茧丝 dupion
双宫茧缫丝 doupion reeling
双宾语 double-objects
双宿双飞 always keep each other's com...
双寄存器 pair register
双对偶 double dual
双对称 disymmetry
双对称色散 disymmetric dispersion
双对称面 disymmetric face
双导线 two-conductor line
双射 bijection
双射望远镜 catadioptric telescope
双射电源 double radio source
双尖镐 tubber
双层 double-deck
双层中空玻璃 double layer glass
双层公共汽车 double-deck bus
双层壁 cavity wall
双层客车 double decker coach
双层床 bunk bed
双层桥 double level bridge
双层火车 double-decker
双层玻璃 double-glazing
双层玻璃窗 double window
双层甲板船 two-decker
双层窗 a double window
双层胶合板 two-ply
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