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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

他看起来不像一个恶人 He did not look like a evil ...
他看起来善良得好像连只苍蝇也不忍心伤害 He looks as though he would ...
他看问题很尖锐 He sees things with a keen e...
他真有两手 He really knows his stuff.
他真诚地爱他的妻子 He loved his wife devotedly....
他真还有点大将风度 He has,indeed,the way of gre...
他真这样说吗 Does he really and truly say...
他眼前是一片欢腾的人海 Before his eyes was a sea of...
他眼力过人 He's a man of excellent judg...
他眼巴巴地看着帽子被海浪卷走了 He helplessly watched the wa...
他眼珠一转悠就想出个主意 He rolled his eyes and hit u...
他眼睛里有异物 He has some foreign matter i...
他眼见得日益消瘦 It's clear that he is gettin...
他睡了八个小时 He slept eight hours.
他睡得很熟 Deep sleep came to him.
他瞎了一只眼 He is blind of one eye.
他瞒着我做出了决定 He made the decision without...
他矢口否认这个指控 He flatly denied the charge.
他知道自己作为一个作家的局限性 He knows his limitations as ...
他破口谩骂一气 He burst into a storm of abu...
他破门进入房间 He dashed the door in and en...
他硬是不认错 He just would not admit his ...
他硬说他不困 He insisted that he wasn't s...
他硬说他做得对 He obstinately asserted that...
他确有改过表现 He has really corrected his ...
他确立了他的学说 He has established his theor...
他碰得前额隆起一个大包 He got a bad bump on his for...
他科学地阐述了政治经济学中一些最重要的问题 He explained scientifically ...
他称赞他们的热情 He commended them for their ...
他稍微有点耳背 He is slightly deaf.
他究竟是生手 After all,he is new to the j...
他穿上军装显得很威风 He looks majestic in uniform...
他穿上制服显得很英俊 He looks handsome in uniform...
他穿上这套衣服真精神 The suit made him look espec...
他穿上那套衣服俨然象个运动员 He looks like an athlete whe...
他穿着制服显得很帅 He looks quite smart in his ...
他穿着黑色衣服 He was dressed in black.
他穿过茂密阴暗的森林 He walked through the gloom ...
他突然勃发做某事的念头 He was seized with a sudden ...
他站不稳立场 He didn't stand firm.
他竟在众目睽睽之下犯下了流氓罪 He committed hooliganism eve...
他竟有脸赖账吗 Did he have the nerve to go ...
他童年的记忆已经淡漠了 His childhood memories have ...
他竭力向王室献媚 He did his best to ingratiat...
他端的是铁饭碗 He has a lifelong job.
他笑着掩饰自己的紧张情绪 He smiled to cover his nervo...
他笔头有两下子 He writes well. written
他等得心急了 He was impatient of all this...
他答应尽力而为 He promised to do his best.
他答应帮我忙 He agreed to help me.
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