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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

一挥而就 just a flourish of the pen a...
一捆 a bundle of
一捆干草 windlin
一捆枝条 birch
一捆柴火 a bundle of firewood
一捆谷物 gavel
一损俱损 Injure one and you injure th...
一捧枣儿 a double handful of dates
一排 a row
一排建筑物 a row of buildings
一排排巨浪向石滩涌来 Huge waves surged over the r...
一排椅子 a row of chairs
一排白杨树 a row of poplars
一掠而过 skim over
一推就倒 be overthrown by a mere push
一掬同情之泪 shed tears of sympathy
一掰两开 break open with one's hands
一掷千金 gamble at high stakes
一揽子 wholesale
一揽子交易 a package deal
一揽子投资 package investment
一揽子方案 package arrangement
一揽子计划 package plan
一搂粗的树 a tree one can get one's arm...
一搭一档 act hand in hand with
一摊水 a pool of water
一摊稀泥 a mud puddle
一摊血 a pool of blood
一摞书 a stack of books
一摞碗 a pile of bowls
一撇一捺 one stroke to the left and a...
一撮 pugil
一撮盐 a pinch of salt
一撮胡子 a tuft of beard
一撮黄土 a bit of dust
一撮鼻烟 snutt
一支以青年为主体的突击队 a shock force composed mainl...
一支优美的山歌 a pretty folk song
一支军队 a contingent of troops
一支接一支地抽烟 puff away a cigarette after ...
一支极其强大的舰队集结在珍珠港 An enormously powerful fleet...
一支毛笔 a writing brush
一支游击支队 a guerrilla detachment
一支箭在他头旁飕地飞过 An arrow whizzed past his he...
一支粉笔 a piece of chalk
一支精干的小分队 a small detachment of picked...
一支蜡烛 a candle count
一支钢琴协奏曲 a piano concerto
一改故辙 cut loose from old habits
一改旧观 take on a completely new loo...
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