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English translation for "鼓足勇气"

muster (up) one's courage; call up all one's courage; pluck [screw] up one's courage

Related Translations:
鼓足勇气或信心:  take heart
他们鼓足了干劲:  they went all out
他鼓足勇气走了进去:  he nerved himself to it and entered
勇气:  courage; nerve 短语和例子鼓起勇气 pluck up [muster up] one's courage
勇气增强:  courage
没勇气:  lose one's nervelose one’s nerve
勇气天使:  angel of courage
勇气不再:  no bravery
勇气术:  courage
道义勇气:  moral courage
Example Sentences:
1.I screwed up my nerve for one more try .
2.But no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop .
3.No one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop .
4.He was laughing in order to hide a great anxiety: and was screwing his courage inwardly to face the ordeal which he knew was now before him .
5.He finally screwed up enough courage to try to dive
6.I summoned strength to ask what had caused this calamity
7.Luxury retailers are trying to take it with a stiff upper lip
8.I think you should keep up your courage
9.I gathered my energies and launched them in this blunt sentence -
10.Finally , the witness was encouraged to inform on the murder
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