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English translation for "黑话"

[ hēihua4 ] 
1.(旧时帮会、 盗匪等使用的秘密话) (bandits') argot; (thieves') cant 短语和例子
2.(反动而隐晦的话) double talk; malicious words

Related Translations:
用黑话:  black word――argot
儿童黑话:  pig latin
黑话白话:  hei hua bai hua
网络黑话:  cybercrub
土匪黑话:  bandit argot
讲黑话:  cant
黑话当飞贼:  the climb
盗贼的黑话:  thief
Example Sentences:
1.The jargon of a particular group ; cant
2.It contained oaths and slang phrases
3.The language or cant of thieves , tramps , or underworld figures
4.By this time i had begun to understand the meaning of their terms
5.Sheep was a cant word of the time for a spy , under the gaolers
6.The argot of drug addicts in the slang of the young in the contemporary russian language
7.The usage of cants is related to factors like level of criminal psychology , identity psychology and tabu psychology
8.Cants are the special aberrance of ethical common language in the criminal community ; us usage tends to reflect the various criminal psychologies
9.Although the book avoids jargon , it is closely argued and requires attentive reading , despite the many repetitions and recapitulations
此书避用“经济学黑话” ,然除了许多“重重话” (扬州土语,意为“絮叨” )和“摘要复述”之外,读者均应细致阅读。
10.As a patois , or colloquial language , slang is permeated with rich local color and flavor . it covers a wide linguistic scope , including local dialect , jargon , cant , and blasphemy
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