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English translation for "陷入僵局"

come to a deadlock; be at a deadlock; reach an impasse 短语和例子

Related Translations:
声称已打破僵局:  claim to have broken the deadlock
陷入跑道:  bog
陷入窘境:  be in a tight corner; fall into difficult circumstances; get into an awkward position; get into a hobble
电子陷入:  electron trapping
陷入磁道:  trapping flux
再陷入:  tangle
陷入困境:  be put in a tight spot; be in a (sad) pickle; get into hot water; tie oneself in [into; up into] knots; land in a predicament; be cornered
偶然陷入:  fall among
陷入恐慌:  be/get in a panic……
陷入绝境:  at bay; bring to bay; have one's back to the wall; out on a limb; with one's back to the wall
Example Sentences:
1.His tricks will bring us into a stalemate .
2.The negotiations have reached an impasse .
3.The negotiations came to a dead lock .
4.We can only get farther and farther into the swamp of awkwardness .
5.Got bogged down on the question of the pay rise
6.We often reach an impasse in our thinking
7.If negotiations are deadlocked , an arbitrator must be called in
8.If negotiations are deadlocked , an arbitrator must be called in
9.The negotiations have reached deadlock
10.The negotiations had reached an impasse , with both sides refusing to compromise
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