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English translation for "街头卖艺"

perform in the streets

Related Translations:
卖艺春秋:  luci del varietàvariety lights
街头:  street corner; street 短语和例子十字街头 (at the) crossroads; 流落街头 tramp the streets; be down and out in a city; 涌上街头 pour into the streets; 在伦敦街头行走 walk in the streets of london; 醉卧街头 lie drunk in
前街头:  qianjietou
街头恐慌:  panic in the streets
街头男孩:  st-boy
街头骗局:  hustling
街头网球:  street status
街头文化:  street cultureurban lifestyle
街头游行:  callithumpian
街头篮球:  nba streetstreet basketballstreetball
Example Sentences:
1.Rehearse we ' re just street performers . we were rehearsing
2.Why did tan dun get success while the black continued playing the violin in the street . what can we learn from it
3.My tears were running while i said those words . i started to make preparations for his journey . but when i thought of the six months of departure with lili to be endured , i kept on with tears dropping
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