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English translation for "落尽"


Related Translations:
尽端式飞机库:  dead-end hangardead-end shed
落裆:  inside leg length
雨落:  spring came rain fell
艏落 艏落:  dropping
落杆:  drop bar
落儿:  [口语] (生活上的着落) assured source of life (只用在“有、没有”后边)
落盘:  order entryrock fall
落指标:  adl
落道:  track lowering
落末:  end of ebbending of ebbending of edd
Example Sentences:
1.Winter stripped bare all the trees .
2.The elm trees that bordered it were bare of leaf; their naked branches seemed to shiver with horror of the cold .
3.What a surprise of bumper harvest will the flowers bring us after they all are gone
4." i have lost my dewdrop , " cries the flower to the morning sky that has lost all its stars
花朵向星辰落尽的晨空叫道: “我失去了我的露珠。 ”
5." i have lost my dewdrop , " cries the flower to the morning sky that has lost all its stars
花朵向星辰落尽了的曙天叫道: "我的露点全失落了。
6.Let ' s appreciate the beautiful nature scene , think about the life philosophy , control the marvelous pen to weave the splendid text
7.If one day , the love of the earth and heaven bears fruit , i wish i have became a butterfly like a falling leaf , flying into the ocean of the flowers and getting my lover back , when the gorgeous leaves fell the last one , the skeleton of the life takes on clearly
8.Where the dreamland of butterfly built , full , of flowers , spreades a love story of the butterfly lovers . there is only romantic hearthorb full of the room after all prosperities have gone , flying in the space of jinduo titles like butterflies gathering on crystal jade
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