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English translation for "自动警报"

auto alarm
automatic alarm

Related Translations:
警报接收机:  general warning receiverwarning receiver
警报规则:  alert rules
报警警报:  alarm
地震警报:  earthquake warning
警报发送机:  alarm transmitter
气候警报:  climate alert
魔法警报:  alarm
警报孔:  telltale hole
警报继电器:  alarm relay
尖啸警报:  banshee alarm
Example Sentences:
1.Vehicle driver recognition system - ticketing system
2.Recording tape , direct alarm system to police station
3.Automatic alarm receiver
4.Unwanted alarms , caused mainly by faulty automatic alarm systems or their poor positioning , contributed to about 56 . 9 per cent of the total number of fire calls
警钟误鸣约占火警召唤总数的56 . 9 % ,主要是由于自动警报系统失灵或安装位置欠佳而引致。
5.Unwanted alarms , caused mainly by faulty automatic alarm systems or poor positioning of such systems , contributed to about 66 per cent of the total number of fire calls
警钟误鸣约占火警召唤总数的66 % ,主要由于自动警报系统失灵或安装位置欠佳所致。
6.Replication provides a response job for subscriptions that fail data validation , and also provides a framework for creating additional automated responses to alerts
7.Unwanted alarms , caused mainly by faulty automatic alarm systems or poor positioning of such systems , contributed to about 66 . 9 per cent of the total number of fire calls
警钟误鸣约占火警召唤总数的66 . 9 % ,误鸣原因主要是自动警报系统失灵或安装位置欠佳。
8.Probably the best source for random numbers in common use is measuring radioactive decay . it s not at all easy to bias , and comes with relatively little natural bias
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