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English translation for "脆断"

brittle failure

Related Translations:
脆怯:  timid; cowardly; weak
脆沥青:  christograhamitecristograhamitekundaite
驯脆:  temper brittleness
脆度:  brittleness; frangibility
脆脚:  fragile feetsevere edema of lower limbssevere edema of the lower limbs
烘脆:  crisp
酸脆:  acid brittleness
脆化:  embrittlement; tender; tendering
脆褐煤:  zittavite
切口脆裂:  notch brittle
Example Sentences:
1.Brittle fracture criterion for mixed - type of sharp v - notch
2.Study on the brittle fracture mechanism of crwmn nail die by composite treatment
3.Brittleness mechanism and fracture characteristics of yus701 au stenitic stainless steel rof internal cover
4.Analysis on the causes of no yield point in tension and brittle fracture in cold bending of 20mnsi hrb
5.The brittle fracture of steel columns and the damage to column bases were found in kobe earthquake
6.Three kinds of fracture facet of a high nitrogen bearing austenitic steel in low temperature brittle fracture
7.The fracture of ct20 alloy was of plastic dimples character at rt , while some holes and cleavage appeared at 20k , showing some brittle feature
Ct20合金室温拉伸断口以塑性韧窝为主要特征, 20k拉伸时断口上出现了一些孔洞和解理台阶,表现出一定的低温脆断特征。
8.The results shows that the failure parts has high silicon content and uneven hardness , the impact toughness and elongation is far below the specification of the material
9.With the decreasing of heterogeneity , the main failure process presents brittle behavior , and vice versa , with the increasing of heterogeneity , failure process presents ductile behavior
10.With carbon content increasing , the carbide network on the fertile grain boundary sprouting and propagating . the fracture mode has been changed from cleavage to along boundary and the intergranular corrosion induced by solution chromium decreasing
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