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English translation for "浪荡子"

the prodigal son

Related Translations:
浪荡:  1.(游荡) loiter about; loaf about2.(行为不检点) dissolute; dissipated◇浪荡女人 tramp; 浪荡人 free-liver; 浪荡子 rounder; dissipater; rakehell
马浪荡:  vagrant ma
浪荡儿:  the young and the passionate
浪荡女人:  tramp
浪荡游子:  prodigal
闲游浪荡:  dissipated; hang about
浪荡者:  flaneur
浪荡不羁:  dissipated and unrestrained
浪荡人:  free-liver
浪荡的:  vagabond
Example Sentences:
1.Rule called himself a man of pleasure .
2.He is a careless profligate .
3.The vagabond began to regret his waste of time
4." yes , and a swift - pacer , " laughed drouet
“是啊,而且是个浪荡子。 ”
5.In short , mrs miles is a loose fish
6.Roger the car salesman : you would not be a self - indulgent wiener , sir . . . you ' d be a connoisseur
7.He went to college , and he got - plucked , i think they call it : and then his uncles wanted him to be a barrister , and study the law : but he is such a dissipated young man , they will never make much of him , i think
他上了大学,而考试不及格,我想他们是这么说的。后来他的叔叔们要他将来当律师,去学习法律,但他是个年轻浪荡子,我想他们甭想使他有出息。 ”
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