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English translation for "沥干"


Related Translations:
沥粉:  embossed painting
长沥:  cheung lek
泗沥:  sili
苦竹沥:  bitter bamboo culm juice
大沥:  dali
沥滤渣:  exhausted cossettes
竹沥:  henon bamboo juicesuccus bambosaesuccus bambusae
沥箱:  draining box
沥涝:  (沥水淹了庄稼) waterlogging 短语和例子沥涝成灾。 waterlogging has caused serious damage
沥滤液:  leach liquorleachateleaching liquorleaching solution
Example Sentences:
1.Drain and transfer to a large bowl
2.Peel and slice bananas , immerse in salt water , remove and dry
3.Remove from boiling water and drain
4.Blanch sugar snap peas . drain dry
5.In the water we are cooking the eggs warm the asparagus tips , drain and reserve hot
6.Drain the pineapple and reserve the juice for the later use . preheat the oven to 200c / 390f
把罐头菠萝沥干,菠萝汁备用。预热烤箱到200c / 390f 。
7.Dice pineapple and soak in water with dash of salt for 30 minutes . drain and set aside
8.Clean the mushrooms and slice . soak the dried mushrooms in water . drain and cut into small pieces
9.Clean the chestnuts up with water . drain away the water . cut a long crevice on each chestnut the with the knife
10.Bring the water to a boil in a pot . boil the peas 1 minute , until just tender , and drain . cool peas under cold running water
把青豌豆在水里煮一分钟(软了就可以了) ,沥干水,然后用自来水冲,冷却。
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