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English translation for "某人自己"

proprius=one’s own

Related Translations:
自己:  1.(代词, 复指前头的名词或代词) oneself 短语和例子生自己的气 be angry with oneself; 自己揭穿自己 expose oneself; 自己说了算 consider one's own words as final; 学习主要靠自己努力。 success in study mainly depends on one's own efforts
自己照顾自己:  look after oneself
自己揭穿自己:  expose oneself
自己支配自己:  call one's soul one's own
自己顾自己:  everyone is for himself
自己害自己:  harm oneself; bite off one's nose; cook one's own goose; saw off the bough on which one is sitting; throw a stone in one's own garden; tread on one's own tail
Example Sentences:
1.In unit one , we learned how to introduce oneself
2.Run one s own business
3.Given to or marked by willful , often perverse deviation from what is desired , expected , or required in order to gratify one ' s own impulses or inclinations
4.The attribution of one ' s own attitudes , feelings , or desires to someone or something as a naive or unconscious defense against anxiety or guilt
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