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English translation for "放任"

[ fàngrèn ] 
1.(听其自然) not interfere; let go unchecked; let alone 短语和例子
2.(不加干涉) noninterference; laissez-faire 短语和例子

Related Translations:
放任自由:  with a loose rein; allowing unrestrained freedom; laissez-faire [法国]
放任主义:  the policy of non-interference -- laissez-faire
放任气氛:  laissez faire atmospherelaissezfaire atmosphere
放任团体:  laissez faire grouplaissezfaire group
放任政策:  laissez-faire
自由放任:  laissez-faire; (经济上) allowing unrestrained freedom; follow one's own indulgence; let things go their own way; unrestrained self-indulgence◇自由放任主义 laissez-faire
放任管理:  driftig-management; permissive management
放任不羁:  (to have) unrestrained license
放任型家庭:  laissez faire familylaissezfaire family
放任式管理:  permissive management
Example Sentences:
1.Do not let that dog loose among the sheep .
2.One should not let bad behaviour go unchecked ..
3.They have much freedom .
4.If you were in his shoes, you wouldn't have let it ride .
5.I think i will just free-wheel this summer and see what happens .
6.The business interests resist change; politicians prefer to let well enough alone .
7.Has he grown weary of indulgence, and passed from passive to active hatred ?
8.He saw twenty paces away the white soft face and independent look of a woman .
9.With an ardent and bitter look he said, "i'm not free for lovemaking. neither are you. "
10.Nixon's most capricious actions had occurred in times of quiet, not in reaction to crises .
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