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English translation for "岌岌可危的"


Related Translations:
岌岌可危:  be placed in jeopardy; in a critical situation; in imminent danger [peril]; in imminent danger of falling down; in a precarious situation; in a tottering position 短语和例子河堤岌岌可危。 the embankme
河堤岌岌可危:  the embankment is in great peril
Example Sentences:
1.The whole thing was a ghostly celebration taking place against a background of collapse and ruin .
2.America ' s dependence on foreign capital was a dangerous vulnerability
3.And now he ' s at it again ? preparing to raise the stakes yet further in iraq
现在,他又要覆辙重蹈? ?要使岌岌可危的伊拉克局势更加扑朔迷离。
4.And national security is at risk less often than most politicians believe
5.Brittle and the space between the beetle and the block , a kind of self - violence being naturally show itself
6.Tracy mcgrady does some exciting things , but when the season is on the line he doesn ' t dominate , either
7.Meanwhile , representatives from the u . s . and iran traded harsh words saturday and blamed each other for the crisis in iraq
8.The governmental rescue of the banking sector prevented successfully a systemic breakdown of the banking and financial system
9.The bo left no written records and the onlyremaining clues to this extraordinary tribe are their5 ) precarious hanging coffins
10.It is a cosmetic solution , and as soon as the non - military side of the equation collapses , so too will the precarious peace
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