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English translation for "咀嚼肌"

jugomaxillary muscle
masticatory muscles
muscle of mastication

Related Translations:
咀嚼:  1.(用牙齿嚼食物) masticate; chew; mastication (作用) 短语和例子食物在吞咽前要仔细咀嚼。 chew your food well before you swallow it.2.(反复体会) mull over; ruminate; chew the cud; 咀嚼困难 bradymasesis
用力咀嚼:  munched
咀嚼系统:  systema masticatoria
连续咀嚼:  machommement
咀嚼锭:  chewable tablet
咀嚼神经:  nervi masticatoriusnervus masticatorius
咀嚼绩效:  masticatory performance
咀嚼器:  instrumenta masticandimasticatory a aratusmasticatory apparatusorgan of masticationorgans of masticationpharyngeal apparatustrophitrophus
咀嚼数字:  crunching numbers
咀嚼性:  chewiness
Example Sentences:
1.Her chewing muscles grow so vast
2.The culture and influence factors on proliferation of skeletal muscles satellite cells from gfp transgenic mouse in vitro
3.The grinding action of the molars requires coordinated and synchronizd contraction of the muscles of mastication
4.Conclusion the relaxation splint and mandibular stabilization splint can relax the masticatory muscles
5.Objective to explore the influence of the type of occlusal splint on the masticatory muscles ( ta , mm )
6.Compared to us , they had larger teeth and stronger chewing muscles , a stouter skull with a smaller brain
7.Observation on therapeutic effect of moxibustion for treatment of 65 cases of dysfunction of the masseter group due to temporomandibular joint syndrome
8.A group of species known as robust australopithecines livedabout2 million years ago . compared to us , they had larger teeth and strongerchewingmuscles , a stouter skull with a smaller brain
9.Objective the similarities of masticatory muscles and teeth orientations between miniature pigs and human beings were studied in order to evaluate the use of miniature pigs in oral biomechanics research
10.Compared to us , they had larger teeth and stronger chewing muscles , a stouter skull with a smaller brain . their feet were thought to be very much like ours , suggesting they had mastered bipedalism
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